(National Training Program - Practical Pediatric Hematology) Pediatric hematology is a branch, which is evolving fast with many recent advances in the diagnosis and management of these disorders. There are many preventable disorders like nutritional anemia, thalassemia and sickle cell anemia. With adequate treatment lives of many children can be saved and their quality improved. With above background the concept to train pediatricians in practical pediatric hematology came into existence. In year 2001 a committee of faculty for this project was formed which started working on preparing a manual in practical pediatric hematology and standard set of slides for teaching. Over next 4 years more hard work went into bringing this project to light of the day.

In Jan 2006 under aegis of Pediatric Hematology Oncology (PHO) chapter of Indian academy of Pediatrics (IAP) a program was started with aim of train pediatricians across the country in early diagnosis, management and shared care of blood disorders in children. This Program is called NTP-PPH. Programs main ethos is to conduct workshops in different regions of the country by faculty from tertiary care centres, trained in pediatric hematology. Each 2-day workshop is aimed at training 30-50 pediatricians. Two faculty members and a central observer conduct the workshop with the help of local organizers. Standard set of slides, videos and practical workstations are the methods used to train the pediatricians. Trainees who register for the workshop are provided with a study material in the form of Manual of Practical Pediatric Hematology published by PHO Chapter of IAP. Each workshop covers different aspects of Pediatric hematology like ABC of CBC, Nutritional Anemia, Intractable anemia, hemoglobinopathies, aplastic anemia, visual diagnosis of anemia, Approach to bleeding disorders, Dos Don’ts of ITP, approach to thrombotic disorders, approach to lymphadenopathy, hepato-splenomegaly, white cell disorders including eosinophilia, diagnosis of leukemia and principles of therapy, Bone marrow transplantation, peripheral blood smear, lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspirate biopsy, Fine needle aspiration cytology , central and peripheral line insertions, drugs used in hematology and blood component therapy. Pretest and post-test methodology is used to assess assimilation by the trainees of the topics covered during the workshop.

Many such workshops have been conducted in most of the states across the country with enthusiastic participation of pediatricians.