A: No, being a member or chair/co-ordinator of a subcommittee does not automatically qualifiy one for authorship of any manuscript that comes out of that subcommittee. Authorship can only be obtained through two mechanisms
- Significant contribution to the design and planning of the study. In general, we expect that there would be maximum three investigators from the study group (including biostatistician if required). Additionally the study chair could have another member of the group in the writing committee or could include this fourth member from outside the group.
- Enrolment of patients. In order to be an author based on enrolment, you are expected to contribute at least 5% of the total evaluable patients for that study. If you contribute 5-9.9% of the total evaluable patients, then you are entitled for authorship for one person from your center, 2 authors if contribution is 10-14.9%, and 3 authors if it is 15-19.9%, and 4 authors if it is >20%.
- The order of authorship is first author/corresponding author from the study group followed by authorship as per contribution.